My dear friends.

Some of you i might have spent years with you, and some of you just few minutes while backpacking. Anyways I am thankful that our lives crossed at one point. Today I have looked through my facebook. It has been almost 10 years since I had the best time of my life- travelling. Now I am somehow hopping to country to country, in a way not as fun as before, unfotunately, and have a son who just finished his first grade at primary school, fortunately (I guess maybe it is my way of settling down). Some of you have children and family, some of you are working hard on careers or other important achievements, and some of you having a rest and doing nothing (and we all know this is the hardest thing to do of all). Anyhow I hope you are happy. and just in case, if you are not, and if you need someone to just listen to you or just a chat, you can always write to me. doesn't matter what, doesn't matter how long we have known each other. Because when I looked through my facebook today, I realized so many of you supported me in bad times with your warm words, and made me smile in a gloomy internet cafe somehwere.(Yes, since the pre-smartphone era) I don't know how many of you are still on facebook, but those who are please be informed: I Love you no matter what mistakes you have made♥ Lets live further and see what surprises our lives bring

Not drunk, just close to full moon possibly, or maybe getting old, your friend, Kim